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Our Mentoring Program is designed to provide young and aspiring individuals with the opportunity to connect with renowned and inspiring leaders in international affairs. Our mentors are passionate about empowering the next generation of leaders in international affairs and want to share their knowledge, skills, and experiences.

Whether you're a student or a young professional, this program can provide you with a supportive environment to enable personal growth, knowledge building, and international literacy.

The program consists of two 90-minute small group mentoring sessions over the course of a month.

Our April-July 2023 intake included the following mentors:

Gordon Flake, CEO, Perth USAsia Centre
Lydia Khalil, Project Director, Digital Threats to Democracy Project; Research Fellow, Lowy Institute
Darren Lim, Senior Lecturer, Australian National University
Mannie Kaur Verma, Principal Lawyer, Regal Lawyers
Lauren Harris, Strategic Projects Advisor, Centre for Humanitarian Leadership
Kyla Raby, Human Trafficking, Forced Labour & Forced Marriage Lead, Australian Red Cross
Merriden Varrall, Director of Australia Geopolitics Hub, KPMG Australia
Danielle Rajendram, Associate Director - Advisory and Insights, Asialink Business

Eliane Coates, Second Secretary, Political, Australian Embassy Vietnam

Registration cost

Should you be accepted, please note that a $30 fee applies to participate in the program. Submitting an application is free.

Eligibility criteria

Open to Australian citizens and permanent residents between the ages of 18 and 30.

Applications open soon.

Any questions can be directed to


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