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Future23 Save the Date (Twitter Post) (960 × 350 px) (Facebook Cover) (1)_edited_edited_ed


In an increasingly complex international environment, YAIA'S National Conferences bring together the next generation of Australian leaders with Australia's leading policy thinkers and practitioners to think critically about the foreign policy, defence and strategic challenges and opportunities facing Australia and to consider how we will navigate our future in the 21st century.

In 2023, the conference took place over two days (14-15 September) at ANU's National Security College,.

Young leaders from across Australia came together to explore the above themes at two keynote addresses and three expert panels; three regional breakout sessions hosted by a Canberra-based foreign ambassador; and chose from a range of professional and leadership development workshops. During the evening, participants attended the Gala Dinner, enjoying fine dining and networking opportunities with participants, as well as engaging in our inaugural Industry Evening where they connected with professional industry leaders and explored career pathways in foreign affairs. A range of pre-conference and post-conference sight-seeing opportunities were also available for those looking to explore Canberra's national landmarks.

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